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The Moors' leg

Mixed media installation, Skagiopouleio Foundation, Patras, Greece, 2013
On Moralism, RE-culture 2, 2 International Visual Art Festival Patras.

Curated by Kostis Stafylakis

The Moor's Leg is a narration focusing on the so-called "miracle of the transplantation of the black leg". This alleged miracle took place after the construction of a church by Pope Felix IV in Rome in 530 A.D. The church had a security guard whose foot suffered gangrene. The guard dreamed of Saints Cosmas and Damian looking for leg to replace it. Eventually they found it in an Ethiopian who was just buried in the cemetery of Saint-Pierre-aux-Liens. When the guard woke up he had a healthy black leg. The miracle is depicted in western iconography. But since the 16th century, the Ethiopian is depicted on the floor writhing as the Saints operating on the guard.

Read more: http://moorsleg.blogspot.com/

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