Participatory action | Lazareto, Ithaca, Aug 2020
Performed by Eugenia Vacalopoulou and Markella Xylogiannopoulou
The ‘Kovatorthi’ project (Panos Sklavenitis, 2020-) is an initiative to claim a number of institutional formalities concerning the ascertainment that the bays of Vathi, Ithaca, GR and Kotor, MNE share a 'dreamy resemblance'.
It is a participatory action about places, landscapes, origins and cultures, policies, similarities and differences.
‘Kovatorthi’ (from Kotor and Vathi) is also an action that aims to problematize the concepts of the formal and the institutional and to explore the conditions under which dominant narratives are created and established.
The idea for ‘Kovatorthi’ exists in the projects 'THE LARGEST BREAD IN THE WORLD' and 'HOW TO BE SEEN (AND HEARD)' since 2016 but now is the first time that a project is formed exclusively around this aforementioned similarity of the two places.
A first presentation of the project took place in the context of the exhibition "From a Distance", in Lazareto, Ithaca, GR on 14-16 August 2020.