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Buchephal(l)us the Great

Performance in the context of the "It is Easier to Breathe Underground 10" Festival curated by the Kula collective and the presentation of The Humanitarian Crisis Illogical Management Bureau (ΓΑΔΑΚ) in SCS Centar-Jadro. Skopje, 2024.
Performed by Maria Gorgia, Eva Koliopantou and Stephanos Chandelis.

Bucephal(l)us the Great is a mad horse from the broadest lineage of fools and jesters that attempts various oddities with its main action being changing the names of people, things and places at will.
It's a commentary on the anxiety of two peripheral south east european states to construct a "glorious" past and the conflicts that arise because of it. The shift of importance from Alexander the Great to his horse (which is even illustrated in a ridiculous way) suggests a solution: that of problematizing nationalist narratives through a festive and carnivalesque way.
